KMG’s Fall Kick Off 2019

Kellstadt Marketing Group (KMG) is now in its 12th year! Keeping up with the tradition, Executive Board, 2019-2020 hosted the Fall Kickoff event, an annual event to welcome the incoming and returning class and introduce the near board and their plans. The event was hosted on Tuesday, October 1st at the Kellstadt Student Lounge, DePaul University’s Loop Campus. It was a casual evening, with food, games and introductions. The new KMG team introduced themselves and their plans for the upcoming year. The event was attended by over 60 students, past KMG leadership members, staff and faculty members and provided everyone the opportunity to interact beyond the classroom setting. 

Kellstadt Marketing Group is a reputable student organization at DePaul University and is gradually being seen as a thought leader in the marketing and business domain. Every year, various events focussed on multiple facets of business are organized and well attended. It attracts professionals and participants from in and around the city of Chicago. 

We hope that those who came to our kickoff event got a taste of the exciting events and opportunities coming up within the group! How can you join? Write to us at with your interest and a brief introduction. You can follow us on social media (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn) for updates!

We are so excited for you to join us and experience amazing networking opportunities on campus!